with wise shake of headの例文
shake shake shake
His brother Steve opened Shake Shake Shake in Tacoma. The winner was Nicolai Kielstrup with his song " Shake Shake Shake ", receiving 96 points. Since these releases, the band has toured e......

head shake
Miller said when told of his mother's head shaking. However, hooked cod only showed brief episodes of head shaking. Teacher : Near Bowling Green ( another pause with head shaking ). That s......

shake her head
Audrey says, closing the file, and shaking her head. Mrs . Choi added, shaking her head at the idea. Looking around the galley, Kelly shakes her head in amazement. She shakes her head as i......

shake his head
Asked what those goals might be, Smith shakes his head. Asked about a carryover, Ford could only shake his head. He kept shaking his head like he really rung his bell. Clemens shakes his h......

shake my head
I was still shaking my head on Friday morning in disbelief, I zoom in for a better look and shake my head. I look back at last year and just shake my head, Sometimes I shake my head in bew......

shake our head
Now, we look at that sometimes and shake our heads. We shake our heads to show that the seal withstands movement. "No, " we respond, shaking our heads. We shake our heads and say it's impo......

shake the head
Threat displays like shaking the head may also take place. The orange button includes actions such as dancing, rearing up on the hind legs, and shaking the head yes / no. In addition she b......

shake their head
Both high-profile cases had council members shaking their heads. Meanwhile, those who know him shake their heads in disbelief. And the polygraphers take it all in and shake their heads. "T......

shake your head
You just shake your head and go back to the dugout. "You've got to laugh, shake your head. You have to shake your head at it after awhile. And that makes you shake your head and smile all ......

a still tongue makes a wise head
A still tongue makes a wise head A still tongue makes a wise head

a wise head makes a close mouth
A wise head makes a close mouth

chibuku shake shake
"Chibuku Shake Shake " ( so called because it separates out and must be shaken ) is brewed from a mix of sorghum and maize, and sold in paper cartons or 2 litre brown plastic containers wi......

shake shake
His brother Steve opened Shake Shake Shake in Tacoma. His brother Steve opened Shake Shake Shake in Tacoma. The winner was Nicolai Kielstrup with his song " Shake Shake Shake ", receiving ......

shake shake go
""'Shake Shake Go " "'is the first EP of the London-based indie folk band Shake Shake Go released on March 9, 2015 through Beaucoup Music. ""'Shake Shake Go " "'is the first EP of the Lond......

conical head rivet; round head rivet
Conical head rivet ; round head rivet

george head head
In the 19th century it was owned by the banker, George Head Head. He had been adopted as heir to George Head Head and his wife who were childless. George Head Head had died in 1876 and Mil......

go head to head
Notre Dame and Ohio State this week go head to head. In some markets, the shows will go head to head. Although their positions differ, they frequently go head to head. "Obviously we don't ......

go head to head with
Google seems to ahve decided to go head to head with Amazon. Napoleon does not go head to head with Texans, We are not about to go head to head with the studios over financial issues. "And......

head 2 head
Head 2 Head includes three different difficulties and 3 different goalies. In Head 2 Head mode the player is pitted against the goalie in a five-puck shootout. The Game feature four modes ......

head girl and head boy
It is not, however, usually used in the United Kingdom itself, where head girl and head boy are used. The Director and Principal jointly decide a girl and a boy from class XII as Head Girl......

head to head
Thomas and Scott went head to head in two NBA championship series. They will also battle it out head to head for audience votes. But head to head, Virginia Tech was an easy winner over Syr......

head to head configuration
In head to head configuration this separation is only by 2 carbon atoms and the separation with tail to tail configuration is by 4 atoms.

They ' re head - to - head . they ' re inside the final stages Two fetuses go head - to - head in the womb Behind him , trenton ' s pride . these two are head - to - head Behind him , tren......

head-to-head contest
Barack obama is the first black candidate to have a serious chance of winning the presidency ( latest polls show him beating both john mccain and rudy giuliani in a head - to - head contes......

in your head, in your head
What ' s in your head , in your head What ' s in your head , in your head What ' s in your head , in your head In your head , in your head